گیاه رزماری و خواص درمانی ان

The widely used herb rosemary got its name from the Latin Rosmarinus officinalis, which translates to “dew of the sea.” Rosemary is aptly named as it is usually found growing by the ocean. Its origins can be traced back to the Mediterranean region, where the ancient Greeks famously extolled and optimized the plant’s memory – and brain-stimulating properties
Ever since the merits of this evergreen shrub have traveled far and wide with it becoming a commonplace ingredient to spruce up a number of regional cuisines.
Rosemary hails from the mint family of flowering plants, which includes basil, marjoram, oregano, and their ilk. It bears an uncanny resemblance to lavender and possesses flat pine needle-shaped leaves that are deep green in color on top with a touch of silver on the underside. The plant is also embellished with pink, purple, white, or blue flowers.
۴ موافق 1403/03/07 - 01:57


Thank you:تبر


The plant requires temperate climate to thrive and can just easily be grown in your backyard if you happen to live in a place that offers conducive climatic conditions: a lot of sunlight without excessive heat and humidity.

There is no dearth of rosemary’s splendor and acclaim in all of history, folklore, and literature. Touted as the herb of fidelity in Elizabethan times and adorning the braids and necks of students looking to boost their memory during exams in ancient Greece, rosemary has always been more than just a culinary herb.

Legend has it that it was rosemary that helped draw Sleeping Beauty out of her infamous slumber. Moreover, dusting a bit of this herb around the house was thought to bring prosperity and protection to your place of abode.
In one of his most acknowledged literary works, Hamlet, Shakespeare once proclaimed, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance: pray, love, remember,” indicating that even the bard was in on rosemary’s magical benefits. Long after Shakespeare’s time, various studies have also confirmed many health benefits of rosemary, whether it is used in fresh, dried, or oil form.

Rosemary works as an effective cognitive stimulant, helpful for improving memory and mental focus. It is even good at increasing brain-wave activities and protecting against neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease


In a 2012 study published in Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, researchers found that exposure to rosemary aroma can improve cognitive performance and mood.
A 2003 study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience also highlights the memory-boosting properties of rosemary
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Breathe in the aroma of rosemary oil by adding 2 or 3 drops of this oil to your handkerchief or room diffuser.
You can also start drinking rosemary tea made from fresh or dried leaves. To make the tea, add 1 or 1½ teaspoons of the herb to 1 cup of hot water, cover it, and let it steep for 5 minutes.


Rosemary exhibits a certain degree of neuroprotective properties on account of its carnosic acid content. This acid helps safeguard the nervous system by fighting off the brain damage caused by free radicals in the form of oxidative stress and overstimulation of nerve cells.
Moreover, rosemary has demonstrated a potential for protecting certain parts of the brain from tissue damage such as ischemic injury, healing nervous tissues, and averting blood clots
What makes rosemary especially appealing as a neuroprotective agent is that it comes without the harmful side effects that are characteristic of the conventional drugs used to treat neurodegenerative diseases.


This wonderful herb may also stimulate hair growth by potentially improving blood circulation to the scalp, which allows more nutrients to reach the hair follicles, thereby encouraging your hair to grow long and strong.

To further add to its hair-strengthening prowess, the rosemary plant contains an active ingredient called carnosic acid, which helps reverse tissue and nerve damage. On account of this healing activity, rosemary may prove effective in rejuvenating nerves in the scalp too, in turn restoring hair growth. (6)

Thus, rosemary essential oil is touted as a viable hair loss restorative primarily due to its circulation-improving and nerve-healing effects.

A 1998 study published in the Archives of Dermatology points out that rosemary aromatherapy can be used to treat alopecia areata. (7) Furthermore, its antibacterial quality gently cleanses hair and prevents itchiness and dandruff.
How to use:

Add a handful of fresh rosemary to 2 to 3 cups of hot water and let it steep for 15 minutes. Remove the herb and let the liquid cool down. Use it as a hair rinse few times a week.
Alternatively, add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to warm olive or coconut oil and massage your scalp with it 2 or 3 times a week. You can even add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to your shampoo before washing your hair.
Combine 4 teaspoons of grapeseed oil, ½ teaspoon of jojoba oil, 3 drops each of rosemary and lavender oils, and 2 drops each of thyme and cedarwood oils. Massage your scalp with this mixture. Wrap your hair with a warm towel. Leave it on overnight or for at least 40 minutes. The next morning, shampoo your hair as usual. Follow this regimen 2 or 3 times a week.


اقااا سید خووواب رفت
بزنیم شبکه فاازسی :خخخ


درجواب :دنیــــــــــــرا ملکه عشق

اقااا سید خووواب رفت
بزنیم شبکه...

رزماری خواب آوره :خمیازه


نمیدووونممم من رووغنش استفااه میکنمم :خخخ


یا سید قزوینی عرب زبان راز متحول شدنت در چیست عایا؟؟؟

ک اینگونه از عربی ب لاتین تغیر کاربری دادی؟؟؟


والله مطالب انگلیسی بود حال ترجمه به عربی یا فارسی نداشتم.به زبون اصلی پست گذاشتم :خخخ




اقاااااا سید


کسی نیست ؟
1 2 3 :خیخ


نه نیست خووواب رفتههه


میگم رزماری خواب اوره ،باور نمیکنی :خیخ


ولی آ سید نوشته که
زیبای خفته رو با رزماری بیدار کردن :خیخ


الان ایمان اووردم خووواب اووره :خخخ
من فکرر کنم زیبای خفته روو بااهاش بیهووش کردن :خخخ



نه جادوگره ،جونش گرفت و بیهوش شد :خیخ


هااا اینم هست :خخخ


شاهزاده که اومد بالاسرش ،رزماری داشته حتما :وت


خوووب مگهه شاهزاده قرار نبووود به هووشش بیاره -سوال-


اوهوم :بله


فکرر کنمم شاهزاده به جای زیبای خفتهه سمت اقاا سید گرفته رزماری روو :خخخ






با شما دو نفر جلس گرفتید .:خخخ


:دورهمی دورهمی بود ،شما نبودین فقط:خنده


بله اینجا که سه نفر هس:خنده


اره دگ
من و دنیرا میگیم
نفر سوم شما میخندین :خنده


جاا شماا خالی بوود :خخخ


د.وستان شلوغ کار بجای ما:خنده


ما به این ساکتی :صوت


بله بله.


حق بااا سمانه جاان از ماا ساکت تر پیداا نمیکنید


شکی ندارم. من که :خخخ


همین که ایمان اووردین به سکوووت ماا خیلی خوووبه :خخخ


بله بله. چه سکوتی:خخخ


سکوووووت کاامل :خخخ


اره والله


یس یس




من به این ساکتی :ناراحت:خخخ


یکی تو کم حرفی
یکی من :خنده


دقیقااا ساکت تراز مااا نیست :خخخ


درجواب :(◍•ᴗ•◍)

یکی تو کم حرفی
یکی من :خنده
یا مشاور التماس دعا


درجواب :aliaga

یا مشاور التماس دعا

حاجتتون روا ،مدیر زیر آبی ها


درجواب :دنیــــــــــــرا ملکه عشق

دقیقااا ساکت تراز مااا نیست ...

والا ، باور ندارن ملت :خنده


همین بگووووو باورو نمیکنن :ناراحت :خخخ


مدیر زیرر ابی هاا از مقامش عزل کنید :خخخ


چی شده؟؟


چیزی نشده :آمازون


با مدیریت زیرآبی چیکار دارین پس؟


حقوووموو میخوووام
این همه زیرر ابی رفتم پهناای باند اشغال کردم






دست پیش گرفتین پس نیافتینا


عه عهههههه

پربحث ها

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